Mijo Wood Mate Set

Color: Black
Sale price$57.00


This complete Mijo Mate set includes a wooden mate, bombilla, and two canisters with spouts for storing yerba and sugar.

The mate is 14 x 10 cm and the canisters measure 9 x 8.5 cm and 8 x 9 cm respectively. Enjoy the perfect cup of Argentine mate.

A mate set is a collection of items used to prepare and drink mate, a traditional drink from Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and parts of Brazil. A mate set typically includes the following items:

  • A mate gourd: The mate gourd is the container in which mate is prepared and drunk. It can be made of gourd, wood, or plastic.
  • A bombilla: The bombilla is the tube that is used to drink mate. It is made of metal or plastic and has a filter at the tip to prevent the yerba mate leaves from being ingested.
  • Canisters for store yerba and sugar.

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